Hello KU MPH Students!
It's been a long time since this blog has been updated, so I thought I'd start with a post containing ideas for community service! It's a great way to be active in your community, as well as gain valuable experience in public health. Here are just a few. Feel free to post additional ideas, these are a couple places to start!
1. Jaydoc Free Clinic
Currently, the clinic is in need of Spanish translators. They may have more opportunities available in the fall, so be sure to check out their website:
2. Medical Reserve Corps of Greater Kansas City
One of the primary goals for the Medical Reserve Corps is training volunteers so that we will be ready to respond if the need arises:
3. KC Free Health Clinic
Volunteers are used in a variety of capacities throughout the clinic, from special projects to fundraising, development projects, front office/medical records, HIV Counseling and Testing, behaviorial health program, HIV Prevention programs, Dental services, and General Medicine services. Many of these programs would not be able to offer the volume and quality of services that they do without the assistance of volunteers:
4. Heart to Heart International
Hello everyone,We are proud to announce our 2009 health focus event, Celebrating Healthy Families! The mission of these events is to provide screening, follow‐up care, and health resources to Latino community members who are uninsured or underinsured.Attached (see below to link to attachments) you will find a summary of our 2008 event and an invitation/save the date for 2009.For those of you interested in either volunteering or providing screening(s), attached you will find the registration forms.Please let us know if you have questions. Hope to see you on October 3!Best regards,Celebrating Healthy Families planning committeeFile(s) will be available for download until 26 July 2009:Attachment: report_FINAL.pdf, 1,213.15 KB Attachment: Save the Date letter_2009.pdf, 221.31 KB Attachment: 2009 Screener_form.pdf, 119.49 KB Attachment: 2009 Volunteer Form_en.pdf, 137.53 KB
You can also visit Heart to Heart's website: http://hearttoheart.org/
Thanks for taking the time to look through these opportunities! We hope you are able to find something that uses your talents and skills to make our community a better place! Again, feel free to post any opportunities that you hear about that other MPH students might be interested in.
Teresa (thansen2@kumc.edu), on behalf of the MPHSO officers